Cosmetic Sanctuary  
03-05-2018 02:40 am
For the last month I've been trying out the @hairfinity Candilocks Chewable Hair Vitamins. I think I can honestly say that I'm completely #teamhairfinity now!
What are #Hairfinity Candilocks? They are a chewy gummy vitamin (that taste pretty good) which contain a mix of bioactive vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help promote healthy scalp, stronger hair follicles, and over all healthier, stronger, longer hair.
While I do have a lot of hair, and it grows fast already, I shed a lot. A LOT. In the last year the hair loss has gotten worse. Not to a point that I've been worried, but enough to make me wonder "what's going on?"
I've used up my 30 day supply of Hairfinity Candilocks and I have noticed a decreased amount of hair loss, both in the shower and on my hair brush. I'm also not finding random long hairs on my pillow when I wake up in the morning.
If you have slow hair growth, dryness, breakage, or "shed" a lot like I was - you might want to look into trying out Hairfinity! I'll definitely be grabbing another bottle to keep it going.
#hfinfiniteresults #healthyhair #prsample
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